Children, Internet and Privacy Rights
Every child has privacy rights too.
Do you think that his/her privacy rights belong to you because you are parent?
And if they belong to you, you then imply that your child is not a person with all the rights like you are.
One day, your child will become famous actor, artist, politician, or maybe not so famous, but he or she will work in the public office, or will hold an important position or become professional.
Do you really want that someone comes out in public with wrongly interpreted pictures of your child?
That can ruin the whole life of your child.
We are speaking here of publishing private information about your children on Internet. Sharing everything. Pictures, videos, events.
Do you really think that such information is for everybody?
I have seen numerous people on Facebook, and further on Flickr, and other social networking websites, placing children’s images, and showing and exposing their families to the not so known public.
The deception that Facebook pictures are shown or exposed only to friends is just that, deception and illusion.
Virtually anyone can become your apparent online friend.
How do you know that person is really the one that claims to be?
Maybe it is friendly appearing enemy, financial predator, or police investigator, tax inspector or your worst nightmare.
Do you really want your children’s pictures exposed online and given to just anyone?
You, as parent, you have responsibility, to uphold and protect your children’s privacy.
And not to be the first to abuse your children’s rights.
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