Show me mines or companies that sell gold in large quantities and want to sell through bank contracts or CIF
Mr. Jean Louis
Handling exportation of mining equipment
Day 4 of week 28 of 2018
Good day, or evening,
On Wed, Jul 11, 2018 at 10:19:22PM +0000, RCDRUN Leads wrote:
| 2018-07-11 22:19:22, RCD Wealth Inquiry:
Main domain:
Referrer URL: you agree to show me mines or companies that sell gold in large quantities and want to sell through bank contracts or by using CIF method.
I am European, and we invest in Africa. Our company is US based.
First I have opened gold trading in Europe, and later moved to Africa with investments. I have myself companies in Uganda and in Tanzania.
Our websites are:
Start Your Own Gold Mine
We also have Tanzanite gemstone polishing in Tanzania:
Facts about gold market in Africa:
These facts are those facts that I know:
Every gold mining country in Africa, and there are many have also very developed gold trade market.
That means it is very easy to sell gold.
That means that gold is also sold for best prices everywhere in Africa.
That also means that majority of companies will not send gold CIF to other countries without payment. Why would be? They can sell in their own country.
There is no gold in large quantities NOWHERE in Africa, ready on table.
There is cheap gold when you establish local business, local company, or alternatively, if you would have people locally to provide for you, 20% or 30% cheaper than market price is possible. But not in big quantities. Per mining place maybe 50-100 grams per day. You would need to have 10 offices to obtain 1 kilogram per day. More or less.
As soon as that cheap gold arrives to any city, it is sold for market price.
There is no point in exportation, as gold can be sold locally as I said.
African companies in general will not work with bank guarantees or similar, because gold is liquid, very easy to sell and very easy to exchange for cash. There is no need for bank guarantees.
Some companies have sometimes obligations to export gold because they are financed by outside companies, so by contract they must export it.
Some companies export gold that is ethical which is priced more than the gold market price and for that reason is exported as it was not produced by using mercury or children labor.
Prepaid Gold Forward Sales Contract may be also one way to buy cheaper gold, that is contract where you can buy gold in advance.
If you have any question or you wish to analyse any gold deal with Africa let me know.
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